Ryn provides personalized consulting services within the clean energy ecosystem, specializing in decarbonization enabled by smart grid technology and innovations such as IoT devices and advanced analytics. Her mission is to drive the transition to an efficient, interconnected electric grid powered by renewable energy and integrated distributed resources across four main practice areas:
Demand Response
Ryn has been a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of an evolving energy ecosystem and the emerging role of demand response and distributed generation as cornerstones of an increasingly flexible and decentralized grid.
Through rigorous, data-driven analysis and customized strategies to make demand response a transformative solution, whether the purpose is to bid demand resources into power markets, collaborate on new programs or assist investors.
Ryn is an econometrician steeped in advancement of the practice of evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) that blends mathematics, engineering and behavioral science.
We perform independent evaluations of demand response and energy efficiency programs, EV managed charging programs (environmental and grid impacts) and participation on standards committees developing market rules for bidding demand-side resources in power markets.
Strategic Intelligence
The clean energy ecosystem is dynamic and competitive, requiring organizations to continually innovate and adapt. We help clients with competitor intelligence, governance structures and with strategic planning.
We have performed a variety of sensitive investigations as diverse as helping equity companies assess investment opportunities to helping utilities benchmark performance against industry peers. Confidential projects are performed with discretion.
Managed EV Charging
Managed EV charging is an emerging grid resource intended to optimize vehicle charging schedules to reduce grid congestion during peak hours, shifting usage to when renewable energy is plentiful and energy cost is low.
We have worked on the evaluation of utility-administered EV charging programs to estimate petroleum displacement, GHG reductions and grid impacts. We have additionally looked at case cases such as bi-directional charging.
Clients: Southern California Edison | Pacific Gas and Electric | National Grid | Eversource | Union of Concerned Scientists | Southern Company Energy Future Holdings | Hydro Quebec | Massachusetts Dept of Energy Resources | Massachusetts Technology Council | Illinois Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Pennsylvania Sustainable Energy Trust | Missouri Dept of Natural Resources | Itron | Sema Connect | Cabot Corporation Arthur D Little | Energy Research Development Group | Roumell Asset Management | Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium | Iberdrola | Dept of Energy Edison Electric Institute | New York City Economic Development Corporation | Cambridge Systematics | University of Massachusetts Lowell