Demand Response

Demand response (DR) encompasses an array of tools, regulations, and behind-the-meter solutions designed to balance the electric grid, integrate renewable energy, and enhance grid stability, and prevent failures. Advanced DR is possible because of advances in smart grid technology, the proliferation of IoT devices, and advanced analytics. Together, these innovations are driving improvements in DR performances as interconnected energy systems have become incrementally more flexible and decentralized, we’re here to help you play your strongest hand.

For three decades we have been a trusted partner, delivering comprehensive client support. Our assignments have ranged from helping investors decide whether to fund companies in the DR space to collaborating with utilities on the development of new DR programs to strategies for bidding DR resources into electricity markets.

    • Assisted a Massachusetts utility in developing scopes of work for eight peak reduction demonstration projects.

    • Represented two clients on ISO-NE’s Demand Response Working Group.

    • Assessed the financial and technical potential for a major demand response provider to sustain market growth and merit additional investment.

    • Developed profiles of a New England state’s top manufacturing sectors (transportation, chemicals, fabricated metals, machinery and computers & electronic equipment) for demand response and energy efficiency potential.

    • Provided an independent assessment of the technical capabilities and market potential of an interactive energy management system to manage loads and provide grid ancillary services.

    • Performed an independent assessment of contractor regression models used to estimate kW impacts from four demand response programs.

    • Participated in development of NAESB national and state standards for measurement and verification (including baselines) for demand response and energy efficiency resources.

    • Analyzed a PJM capacity price surge and its implications for demand response for a utility.

    • Examined the implications of legislation in a mid-Atlantic state pertaining to demand response and energy efficiency, with an emphasis on cost effectiveness testing and the manner in which dispatch hours are selected.

    • Grid Modernization Forum.  Moderator for session, “Energy Storage and the Integration of Renewables and Distributed Energy Resources”. 

    • Union of Concerned Scientists. Moderator for session on ISO/RTO perspectives, including role of frequency regulation and reserves markets, “Workshop on Smart Electric Vehicle Charging”.

    • ACEEE National Symposium on Market Transformation 2016. Moderator for session, “Demand Response Gets Smarter: Realizing the Potential of DR on the Distribution System”.

    • ACEEE National Symposium on Market Transformation.  Co-author, “Market Transformation and the Distribution System Grid”.

    • Internet of Energy, Virtual Summit Smart Grid Observer. Author, “Renewable-Centric Grid of the Future”.

    • Grid Modernization Forum.  Overall Conference Chairperson. Moderator for session, “Policy and Regulatory Change for Advancing the Smart Grid”. Co-author of presentation, “How Evolving State Policies are Fostering New Technology Investment for Control of Distribution System Loads and Advancing Grid Modernization”.

    • ACI New Generation Demand Response and Ancillary Services conference. Co-led workshop, “New Generation of Demand Response; Faster Response with Targeted Load Control – Utility Interface Business Models”. 

    • National Summit on Smart Grid and Climate Change.  Assisted in a communications workshop, “Leveraging Tools to Talk about Smart Grid and Climate Change”.

    • Peak Load Management Alliance. Presented a paper, “Ancillary Services Market Opportunities”. 

    • ACI New Generation Demand Response and Ancillary Services conference. Presented a paper, “Demand Response and Ancillary Services Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations”. 

    • Energy, Utility and Environment Conference.  Presented a paper, “Role of Demand Response Baselines in Estimating Participant Impacts”.

    • Association of Energy Services Professionals Webinar. Moderated a webinar on the integration of demand response with other demand-side resources, “IDSM Developments and Early Lessons”.

    • Energy, Utility and Environment Conference.  Presented a paper, “Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Variations Across Jurisdictions”.

    • Association of Energy Services Professionals Webinar. Moderated a webinar, “NAESB Standards for Measurement and Verification of Demand Response”. 

    • Peak Load Management Alliance. Moderated a demand response panel that discussed issues surrounding monitoring and verification.

    • ISO-New England forward capacity market certification. Completed forward capacity market training that covered resource qualification, critical path monitoring, reconfiguration auctions, bilateral contracting, resource registration, performance testing and settlement.