Evaluation, Measurement & Verification

Independent EM&V is performed to provide unbiased assessments to ensure that program impacts are measured accurately and credibly. Utilities and regulators need reliable data to confirm that demand-side programs achieve their intended results.

EV managed charging. Employed a combination of economic and engineering analysis methods to assess the environmental and grid impacts of various EV managed charging programs. This normally requires multiple datasets, with the most important being port-level interval charging data and information on the grid resource mix at the time of charging.

Demand response and energy efficiency programs. Conducted numerous utility EM&V studies with a focus on estimation of kW and kWh impact and program cost-effectiveness which is a critical metric used to demonstrate value to ratepayers.

Wholesale power markets. Measurement and verification rules in in ISO/RTO markets are governed by FERC and typically require telemetry meter data and baseline modeling to document resource performance and calibrate compensation. Obtained ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market certification that covered resource performance testing and settlement, Served as a member the ISO-NE demand response working group to explore ideas to improve the forward capacity market structure. Participated in North American Energy Standards Board working groups to craft FERC industry standards for demand-side resources in wholesale markets.

    • “Role of Demand Response Baselines in Estimating Participant Impacts”, Energy, Utility and Environment Conference.

    • “Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Variations Across Jurisdictions”, Energy, Utility and Environment Conference.

    • “NAESB Standards for Measurement and Verification of Demand Response”, Association of Energy Services Professionals Webinar.

    • Peak Load Management Alliance. Moderated a demand response panel that discussed issues surrounding monitoring and verification.

    • “Demand Response Gets Smarter: Realizing the Potential of DR on the Distribution System”, session moderator, ACEEE National Symposium on Market Transformation.